- encoding: utf-8
- highlighter: pygments
- on windows:
- may need jekyll serve –force_polling
- if all goes to hell: jekyll serve –no-watch
- jekyll build
- jekyll build –watch
- jekyll build -w
- jekyll serve
- jekyll serve –watch
- jekyll serve -w
change console encoding:
- chcp 65001
My Publishing Script:
This is done in powershell. I work on my working branch.
Function publishmichaelsobrepera{
cd /;
cd C:\;
cd C:\GIT\mjsStaticSite;
git checkout master;
git reset --hard working;
jekyll build;
Get-ChildItem C:\GIT\mjsStaticSite -Exclude _site -Recurse | Where {$_ -notlike 'C:\GIT\mjsStaticSite\_site\*'} | select -ExpandProperty FullName | sort Length -Descending | Remove-Item -force;
xcopy C:\GIT\mjsStaticSite\_site C:\GIT\mjsStaticSite /v /s /e ;
Get-ChildItem C:\GIT\mjsStaticSite\_site -Recurse | select -ExpandProperty FullName | sort Length -Descending | Remove-Item -Force;
Remove-Item C:\GIT\mjsStaticSite\_site -Force;
git add *;
git commit -a -m 'automated commit to publish';
git push gitHub master --force;
git checkout working;